Rivian Automotive facility in Renton
Services: Slab sawing
Here were Slab sawing and removing a section of warehouse slab at the new Rivian Automotive facility in Renton.
Here were Slab sawing and removing a section of warehouse slab at the new Rivian Automotive facility in Renton.
Project Type: new construction Services: Core Drilling Here, we’re core drilling a scanned post tension slab for new plumbing going…
Cut, remove, and pour back 14 locations at this apartment complex so water wouldn’t puddle at the stairway entrance.
Project Type: new construction Services: Wall sawing Utilizing a Wall Saw to enlarge an existing doorway on this downtown Seattle…
Project Type: Concrete Saw Cutting Services: Wall sawing Wall sawing above roll up door for wall repair.
Project Type: new construction Services: Wall sawing We are using a wall saw to enlarge an existing opening so the…
Project Type: Tenant Improvement Services: Trench Pour Back Cutting new trenches for plumbing with removal and pour back for the…